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Cristiano Ronaldo says his baby boy has died

Cristiano Ronaldo says his baby boy has died!

International soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo and his partner announced Monday that their baby boy, one of their expected twins, has died.

Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriguez issued a joint statement on social media that said their baby boy has passed away. The couple shared that they were expecting twins in October and revealed in December that they were expecting a boy and a girl.

Our baby boy, you are our angel, the couple said Monday. We will always love you.

É com a mais profunda tristeza que comunicamos o falecimento do nosso bebé.
É a maior dor que quaisquer pais podem sentir. Só o nascimento da nossa bebé nos dá forças para viver este momento com alguma esperança e felicidade.
Gostaríamos de agradecer aos médicos e enfermeiros por todo o cuidado e apoio disponibilizado.
Estamos devastados e pedimos privacidade neste momento tão difícil.
Nosso menino, és o nosso anjo. Vamos amar-te para sempre.


Con nuestra más profunda tristeza tenemos que anunciar el fallecimiento de nuestro hijo.
Es el dolor más grande que unos padres pueden sentir.
Solo el nacimiento de nuestra hija nos da la fuerza para vivir este momento con algo de esperanza y felicidad.
Queremos agradecer a los doctores y enfermeras por su cuidado y apoyo.
Estamos devastados por esta pérdida y rogamos privacidad en este duro momento.
Bebé, eres nuestro ángel. Siempre te amaremos.

Cristiano Ronaldo y Georgina Rodríguez

Ronaldo and Rodriguez did not detail how their son died and asked for privacy while they grieve. Their daughter is alive, they said.

It is the greatest pain that any parents can feel, Ronaldo said. Only the birth of our baby girl gives us the strength to live this moment with some hope and happiness.

Ronaldo is a father to four other children, including a pair of fraternal twins.

Manchester United, Ronaldo’s team, tweeted Monday: Your pain is our pain. Sending love and strength to you and the family at this time.

The Portuguese national team, of which Ronaldo is the captain, tweeted Monday, Maita for a, capital, which translates as A lot of strength, captain.

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